Autumn in the Mysterious Valley

Entry name Autumn in the Mysterious Valley


Aquarist: Luiz André Lemos de Junior

City (State): Resende (RJ)

Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team

Position: 6

Category: categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200l

Edition: CBAP 2023


Autumn in the Mysterious Valley
Autumn in the Mysterious Valley
Autumn in the Mysterious Valley
Aquarium information

Volume: 250 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 50 x 50 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 meses months

Filtering: 2 canister eheim classic 2217 , 600a1000 lh , mídia biológica substrat pro eheim e mídia filtrante biomech eheim .

Lightning: Maxspect Razor F 175 e 7500k) fotoperíodo início 10:00 final 19:00hs CO2 em conjunto com fotoperíodo início 10:00 com fim 19:00hs.

Substrate: ADA Nature aquarium aquasoil amazonia, Power sand adwance M, La Plata sand e aqua gravel e rochas Ryuoh Stone .



Maintenance: Limpeza diária das rochas , troca parcial de 30% 2× na semana e fertilização diária com a linha completa Seachem aquavitro poda feita a cada 10 dias e a última poda feita uma semana antes da fotografia final.

Entry's grades

"Layout with stem plant pruned as slope is very common on past, after new trend using glue to fix moss on hardscape dominated, using stem plant to build slope become minority. Heavy prune require calculate recover time, if mix with different plant, grow rate different should consider as well. For this layout, both recover time and grow rate on background stem plant also not on ideal situation."

- Gary Wu