Sun Valley

Entry name Sun Valley


Aquarist: Bruna Andrade

City (State): Taubaté (SP)

Team: BAU - Brazilian Aquascaping Union

Position: 10

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edition: CBAP 2023


Sun Valley
Sun Valley
Sun Valley
Aquarium information

Volume: 200 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 50 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 05 months

Filtering: Canister Ultramax 1000, AQUAEL Canister Sunsun HW-402B 1000 UV9W

Lightning: RSXF-200, MAXSPECT

Substrate: AF Lava Soil black, AQUAFOREST AF Natural substrate, AQUAFOREST La plata sand, ADA Rocks Ryuoh, ADA



Maintenance: -Fertilização diária com toda linha Aquaforest; -Sistema pressurizado de CO2 (CO2ART), 08h por dia, 45ppm; -Troca Parcial de Água 2x por semana (20%); -Limpeza diária de vidros e rochas; -Poda das plantas (Aquaplante e Chácara Takeyoshi) aproximadamente a cada 10 dias.

Entry's grades

"Within these few year, there is a trend using hight contrast photo for contest. The hardscape with vertical slope always generate shaded area. This layout have two big shadow on both . It can be imporve by supplementary lighting when photo, or slight shift the hardscape vertical angle so hardscape get more top light."

- Gary Wu

"This typical layout is complete by good techniques, its may level up much more if creator add/replace some natural surface rock in focus point, add some detail for sand area and make two front rear side brighter to show up detail and mirror effects"

- long tran