From shadows to light

Entry name From shadows to light


Aquarist: Sidney Cordeiro

City (State): Recife (PE)

Team: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo

Position: 20

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edition: CBAP 2023


From shadows to light
Aquarium information

Volume: 160 liters

Dimensions: 80 x 50 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 5 meses months

Filtering: Eheim Classic 2211 X 2

Lightning: Aqualumini tech

Substrate: Pocket River sollum



Maintenance: Tpa a cada dois dias fertilização N+P+K+TRACE

Entry's grades

"In general, techniques of hardscape and planting is all good, especially in mirror effect and surface effects. The most easy way to level up this layout is replace existing rock by some kind of natural surface material"

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