Aquarist: Dhi Vieira
City (State): Monte Azul Paulista (SP)
Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Amateur
Edition: CBAP 2017
Aquarist: Dhi Vieira
City (State): Monte Azul Paulista (SP)
Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Amateur
Edition: CBAP 2017
Volume: 96 liters
Dimensions: 80 x 30 x 40 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 4meses months
Filtering: Canister caseiro, tubo PVC 150mm, bomba Litwin 2.000l/h. 2 litros anel de cerâmica.
Lightning: Luminaria caseira com 4 superled 10w, 7hs/dia
Substrate: Humus de minhoca tratado
Maintenance: TPA : 1/3 a cada 5 dias
"It's a little more to the work level that can be evaluated. Learn more by seeing many natural landscapes and other excellent works. Looking forward to your next work in the future."
- Takayuki Fukada
"Planting is the first step, the next step is pruning, not all beginners follow this path."
- Gary Wu
"need to work harder"
- Wai Sun Chow