
Aquarist: Luís Cardoso
Position: 6
Country: Portugal
Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2018
Edition: CBAP 2018
Aquarist: Luís Cardoso
Position: 6
Country: Portugal
Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2018
Edition: CBAP 2018
Volume: 300 liters
Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 50 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 10 months
Filtering: Eheim Pro 3 1200XLT
Lightning: 4x Twinstar 600S
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Maintenance: DIY Fertilization ada based
"A very refreshing layout!"
- Wai Sun Chow
"A classic slope layout with the right proportion rock arrangement, the right balance of color distribution, the only missing is a main theme. This kind of layout without a strong theme support, it would easy to get lost from other similar layout."
- Gary Wu