Aquarist: André Luiz Rodrigues
City (State): São Caetano do Sul (SP)
Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team
Position: 5
Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Professional level
Edition: CBAP 2017
Aquarist: André Luiz Rodrigues
City (State): São Caetano do Sul (SP)
Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team
Position: 5
Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Professional level
Edition: CBAP 2017
Volume: 182.25 liters
Dimensions: 90 x 45 x 45 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 4 meses months
Filtering: 2 x Filtro Eheim 2236
Lightning: 1 x Lâmpada Jbl Color T5 Ultra 39w - 85cm 1 x Lâmpada T5 Jbl Solar Ultra Tropic 39w (85cm) 2 x Lâmpada T5 Jbl Solar Ultra Natur 39w (85cm)
Substrate: Ada Aqua Soil Amazonia
Maintenance: 2 x Trocas parciais semanais, 20 % e 30 %.
"Amazing work. Like the use of the different plants. Big leave in front small back. The fish downhill are really cool."
- Oliver Knott
"I can understand that the author produced this work very carefully. But the concept of the work is somewhat mediocre. What the author in this work do you want to express, the subject has not been transmitted to the clear. Let's put out more personality in the work!"
- Takayuki Fukada
"A nice trimming, if the background transition between red and green more nature will be better."
- Gary Wu
"a good layout but look a little bit boring."
- Wai Sun Chow
"Un acuario en perfectas condiciones en las que podemos observar que tras una sencilla disposición del hardscape, se crea un correcto flujo o efecto Nagaré en la región izquierda gracias a todos los elementos en correcta armonía. Sin embargo, la piedra principal de la región derecha rompe ligeramente con el flujo de la obra. Quisiera destacar el óptimo estado de las Rotalas, con una hoja muy pequeña y macizos compactos, obteniendo la mayor belleza visual de las mismas. Un mejor empleo de los reflejos laterales hubiese dado mayor amplitud a la obra. Quinto puesto en mis valoraciones."
- Juan Puchades Rufino