Gunga’s Cliff

Nome da inscrição: Gunga’s Cliff


Aquarista: Marcio Santana Sobrinho

Cidade (UF): Aracaju (SE)

Equipe: Natural Art

Posição: 2

Categoria: Aquário Nanoplantado 2017 – Amador

Edição: CBAP 2017


Gunga’s Cliff
Gunga’s Cliff
Gunga’s Cliff
Informações do aquário:

Volume: 45 litros

Dimensões: 60 x 30 x 25 cm (C x L x A)

Tempo de montagem: 8 meses

Filtragem: Eheim 2213

Iluminação: Maxspect Razor 160w

Substrato: Amazônia MBreda ADA La Plata Sand



Manutenção: TPA semanal 50%; carbono líquido diário.

Avaliações desta inscrição

"Hardscape and aquatic plant is combine together very good, whole layout was create in very high quality. I hope overall view of this layout was more balanced to get the perfect level of this category"

- Tran Hoang Long

"Fantastic nano tank. Looks much bigger then in real. A perfect illusion."

- Oliver Knott

"Big rock of the left and right are giving power to this work. Especially the rock on the left seems like a steep cliff that reaches the surface of the water, making it an eye-catching point. Plants are also planted delicately, and can feel the height of the author's skill."

- Takayuki Fukada

"A well balance hardscape and plant layout, this is a good reference for other beginner to replicate."

- Gary Wu

"a very natural and balance layout in this small tank."

- Wai Sun Chow

"Precioso trabajo, donde destaca el buen hacer en la región de arena cosmética, con un trabajo minucioso de la corriente de agua. Gran elección del plantado, y en perfectas condiciones. Muy buena elección de fauna en posición, tamaño y número. Un trabajo realmente destacado."

- Juan Puchades Rufino