Aquarist: Jhymison Gomes
City (State): Belém (PA)
Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edition: CBAP 2021
Aquarist: Jhymison Gomes
City (State): Belém (PA)
Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edition: CBAP 2021
Volume: 60 liters
Dimensions: 60 x 40 x 25 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: (6)Seis meses months
Filtering: Filtro canister sumsum hbl-802
Lightning: Future light wrgb
Substrate: Substrato fértil amazônia ada Substrato fértil rio freio nature Substrato cosmético rio freio
Maintenance: Manutenção de tpa semanais,fertilização power fértil ferro,fósforo,potássio e mineral plus.
"This layout look very 'stunning' by a brilliant yellowish color tone If creator 'push' this advantage to a new level by change or re-location red color plant clumps with a clear intentional manner, the layout may go to a difference position in contest"
- long tran