Gruta Milenaria

Entry name Gruta Milenaria


Aquarist: Borja Montero Leoz

Country: Espanha

Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2021

Edition: CBAP 2021


Gruta Milenaria
Gruta Milenaria
Aquarium information

Volume: 48.6 liters

Dimensions: 60 x 45 x 18 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 18 months

Filtering: Pequeña bomba de circulacion con espoja, Skimmer blau, para reforzar movimiento

Lightning: 2 pico lumina 9 1 sunsun 35cm

Substrate: Sustrato help Arena ada Roca rioyu Grava negra



Maintenance: Semana cambio de agua del 50% Podas regulares mensuales Abonado flourihs seachem Aporte pastillas tropical en

Entry's grades

"This layout impressed viewer by strong contrast with powerful structure If creator can control 'shadow' ratio to reducing of 'full black area' to suitable way, pick a suitable fish and complete aquarium with perfect maintenance skill this layout can be get some huge chance in top"

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