Aquarist: Diego Portella
City (State): Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Team: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo
Position: 19
Category: Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: Diego Portella
City (State): Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Team: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo
Position: 19
Category: Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 375 liters
Dimensions: 150 x 50 x 50 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 4 months
Filtering: Eheim 1000 l/h e 1 Hopar 2200 l/h
Lightning: 4 lampadas T5 JBL de 80w cada
Substrate: Substrato fértil Amazônia MBreda e substrato inerte areia de seixo de rio
Maintenance: TPA de 50% 1x semana e fertilização semanal com a linha MBreda (Fe, Macro, Micro e NPK)
"the plants condition are very good, but I think need to put more weight of the right hand side in this layout."
- Wai Sun Chow
"A big plant selection"
- Oliver Knott
"The middle ground is not arrange properly, try to practice more on trimming"
- Gary Wu