
Entry name Canion


Aquarist: Rodrigo de Carvalho

City (State): Assis (SP)

Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team

Position: 8

Category: Nano Planted Tank

Edition: Private: CBAP 2016


Aquarium information

Volume: 58.8 liters

Dimensions: 60 x 35 x 28 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 4 meses months

Filtering: 2 Filtros Aqua Zonic PRO 800

Lightning: 6 Arcadias, T5 24 Watts 3 Freshwater / 3 Original

Substrate: MBreda sistema de substrato



Maintenance: Manutenção 2 vezes na semana TPA com fertilização liquida Seachem

Entry's grades

"this rock scape is very good but it look so new!"

- Wai Sun Chow

"The rock layout is one of the best I saw in a nano tank"

- Oliver Knott

"I like the stone arrangement, however the middle ground Myriophyllum matogrossensis shape is not match with the rest of plant"

- Gary Wu

"Estructura de cierta complejidad y buen empleo de la perspectiva a pesar de las pequeñas dimensiones del acuario. Un buen trabajo de proporción, profundidad y equilibrio. Enhorabuena!"

- Juan Puchades Rufino