Aquarist: Marcio Santana Sobrinho
City (State): Aracaju (SE)
Team: Natural Art
Position: 17
Category: Nano Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: Marcio Santana Sobrinho
City (State): Aracaju (SE)
Team: Natural Art
Position: 17
Category: Nano Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 54 liters
Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 30 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 2 months
Filtering: Eheim 2213
Lightning: 40W LED 6500K. Fotoperíodo: 10h/dia
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Maintenance: 3x por semana: TPA 50%, Potássio (Acquafauna), Nitrato (Acquafauna), Fe (MBreda), carbono líquido; 2x por semana: Micro Nutri (MBreda), Fe (MBreda), carbono líquido.
"The branches at the right hand side are not look so good."
- Wai Sun Chow
"Very nice layout. Lovely middle section, Looks very detailed"
- Oliver Knott
"An unique branches arrangement on the right, but not too match with the rest."
- Gary Wu