Refúgio do Aprendiz

Entry name Refúgio do Aprendiz


Aquarist: Cleber Sá dos Santos

City (State): Curitiba (PR)

Team: Natural Art

Position: 5

Category: 2017 Nano Planted Tank – Amateur

Edition: CBAP 2017


Refúgio do Aprendiz
Refúgio do Aprendiz
Refúgio do Aprendiz
Aquarium information

Volume: 51.3 liters

Dimensions: 50 x 38 x 27 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 3 meses months

Filtering: Clasic 250 eheim, skimer de superfície eheim.

Lightning: 3 KR90FW eco lamps

Substrate: 10 kg Amazônia Mbreda, areia cosmética, rochas cloud stones oceantech



Maintenance: TPA 3 a 4 vezes por semana, macro nutrientes na segunda, quarta e sexta e micronutrientes na terça, quinta e sábado. Linha aquavitro seachem. Adição diária de iron (seachem) e de flourish excell. Podas semanais e quinzenais dependendo das plantas. Adição de "green gain ada" após podas.

Entry's grades

"The gap between left and right sides of this layout was created very different than others in this category I wish color of aquatic plant in this layout was combine more delicate to made this layout become more impressed"

- Tran Hoang Long

"The expression of rock cliffs is amazing and plant planting balance is also great. Since the foreground of white sand looks rough, even in this area you should plant the plants."

- Takayuki Fukada

"Vegetation coverage just fit. Different plant color are merged properly."

- Gary Wu

"the layout look good"

- Wai Sun Chow

"Muy bonito montaje. Quizás el contraste entre el color de piedra y arena sea poco natural. La posición y coloración de los peces indica un cierto estrés que debe ser evitado cuando se realiza la fotografía del acuario."

- Juan Puchades Rufino