Mangrove River

Entry name Mangrove River


Aquarist: Ismael Aguilar Soria

Position: 3

Country: Espanha

Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2020

Edition: CBAP 2020


Mangrove River
Aquarium information

Volume: 270 liters

Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 45 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 months

Filtering: Biomaster Thermo 600 OASE y Crystal Profi 1501e JBL

Lightning: 324w T5 6500k

Substrate: Advance HELP



Maintenance: 80% cambio del agua semanal. Abonado diario con sales NPK

Entry's grades

"The large school of fish really does a lot for the overall drama of the layout. Photo quality could be improved with better focus, as well as lighting.  "

- Andrew Michael Senske

"The downward branches arrangement create some shaded area on the bottom , vegetation coverage just good. If the transition on top of the branches develop more will be better."

- Gary Wu