Aquarist: Albert Escrihuela Cáceres
Position: 3
Country: Espanha
Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2018
Edition: CBAP 2018
Aquarist: Albert Escrihuela Cáceres
Position: 3
Country: Espanha
Category: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2018
Edition: CBAP 2018
Volume: 666 liters
Dimensions: 150 x 74 x 60 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 5 months
Filtering: SUPER JET FILTER ADA 2400
Lightning: 8x80w T5
Substrate: Aquasoil Amazonia
Maintenance: Brighty K, Mineral.
"A masterpiece of wood work and natural harmony. Congratulations."
- Oliver Knott
"Creator is made delicate layout successfully. In my opinion, if the general view of this layout is not a deja vu, it may get a better ranking"
- Tran Hoang Long
"Overall a high grade layout but a little bit overdone."
- Wai Sun Chow
"The hardscape arrangement is on master level, if the planting level improve will leverage the scoring a lot."
- Gary Wu
"Un acuario fuerte, poderoso y enorme. Un gran esfuerzo desarrollar un montaje de esas dimensiones."
- Juan Puchades Rufino