Cordilheiras do Caparaó

Entry name Cordilheiras do Caparaó


Aquarist: Denis Assao

City (State): São Bernardo do Campo (SP)

Position: 3

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edition: CBAP 2020


Cordilheiras do Caparaó
Aquarium information

Volume: 128 liters

Dimensions: 80 x 40 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 5 meses . 1 mês preparando hardscape e 4 meses no desenvolvimento das plantas. months

Filtering: 01 Eheim 2232, 01 Eheim Classic 250.

Lightning: Aqualumini Led Light System 60 cm.

Substrate: Ada Powersand, Ada Amazonia, Ada La Plata Sand.



Maintenance: Linha de fertilização completa Seachem Flourish. TPAs de 20% a cada 3 dias.

Entry's grades

"Great capture of the school of fish. A little more focus in your photo can make a world of difference! Great layout"

- Andrew Michael Senske

"The colection colorful and vitality plants made this layout sturning and attractive. Its will be much better if anubias on the left side and clump plants mix togehether, overall layout will look more 'smooth' and 'sweet'"

- Tran Hoang Long

"The layout arrangement looks OK and healthy, however plants look grow on their own, cannot harmonize together."

- Gary Wu