
Entry name Dark


Aquarist: Cleber Sá dos Santos

City (State): Curitiba (PR)

Team: Natural Art

Position: 6

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros

Edition: CBAP 2021


Aquarium information

Volume: 52 liters

Dimensions: 50 x 40 x 26 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 4 meses months

Filtering: Classic 250 eheim

Lightning: KRV5 FW eco-lamps

Substrate: Pocket system Pocket base (substrato estrutural) Pocket Sollum (substrato fértil)



Maintenance: Poda semanal, 2 TPAs de 30 a 40% Por semana. Fertilização diária exceto fim de semana.

Entry's grades

"This is almost perfect 'forest style' aquarium in this category. I think most of scapers will be exciting to enjoy details in every corner of layout I wish the moss is in better condition and fish are in the better position to level up this masterpiece to the top"

- long tran

"Increiblemente bien trabajadas la dimensiones en este pequeño acuario, felicidades si no supiera sus medidas podria parecer un acuario mucho mas grande. Enhorabuena!!!!"

- Balbi Vaquero


The atmosphere of the mysterious forest is well expressed and it has a very natural feeling. Please note that such a layout with a strong view of nature will look artificial if use too many red plants.


- Takayuki Fukada