early autumn in the mountain valley

Entry name early autumn in the mountain valley


Aquarist: Luiz André Lemos de Junior

City (State): Resende (RJ)

Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team

Position: 5

Category: categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 200l

Edition: CBAP 2024


early autumn in the mountain valley
early autumn in the mountain valley
early autumn in the mountain valley
Aquarium information

Volume: 250 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 50 x 50 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 meses months

Filtering: 2 canister eheim classic 2217 , 600a1000 lh , mídia biológica substrato pro eheim e mídia filtrante biomech eheim .

Lightning: Maxspect Razor F 175 e 7500k) fotoperíodo começando às 10:00 e terminando às 19:00 CO2 em conjunto com fotoperíodo começando às 10:00 e terminando às 19:00

Substrate: ADA Nature aquaruim aquasoil Amazônia, Power sand Advance M, La Plata sand e Aqua gravel e rochas Ryuoh Stone



Maintenance: Limpeza diaria das rochas tpa 2 vezes na semana. Fertilização diária com linha completa Flourish Seachem , Flourish Excel , Flourish Fósforo, Flourish Nitrogênio , Flourish Trace, Flourish Advance, Flourish Potássio, Flourish Ferro ,

Entry's grades

"A traditional layout type. Plants grow healthily. Both side stem plant with proper pruning. However, this layout looks smaller than the original size, The uniform rock size and even distribution used on different layers could be the root cause. Either using smaller composition on foreground or larger on backend could enhance the perspective feel."

- Gary Wu

"This is a good quality aquarium in all aspects If aquarium owner devides the sterm plant to smaller clumps, this composition will be much better"

- long tran