Epic nature

Entry name Epic nature


Aquarist: Luis Henrique Laporte Farinha

Site: https://www.aquaa3.com.br/

City (State): Mirandópolis (SP)

Category: 2017 Planted Tank – Amateur

Edition: CBAP 2017


Epic nature
Aquarium information

Volume: 80 liters

Dimensions: 50 x 40 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 meses months

Filtering: filtragem sarlo better 1000 l/h, com perlon, esponja e bio rio da ADA

Lightning: 5 lâmpadas pl de 15w cada luz do dia

Substrate: Barro preto



Maintenance: manutenção é feita 2 vezes por semana

Entry's grades

"It's a little more to the work level that can be evaluated. Learn more by seeing many natural landscapes and other excellent works. Looking forward to your next work in the future."

- Takayuki Fukada

"I can feel the creator spend some effort to decorate the hardscape but plant are not harmonize with other."

- Gary Wu

"next time need to select some small leaf plants when you doing this tiny scape."

- Wai Sun Chow