
Aquarist: Geraldo Lima
City (State): Belém (PA)
Position: 13
Category: Nano Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: Geraldo Lima
City (State): Belém (PA)
Position: 13
Category: Nano Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 56.16 liters
Dimensions: 52 x 36 x 30 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 4 months
Filtering: Filtro canister EHEIM Classic 2213
Lightning: Luminária Hopar 4 x T5 de 24W
Substrate: MBreda Amazonia Extra fino e ADA La Plata Sand.
Maintenance: Trocas parciais de 30% duas vezes por semana, fertilização líquida diária com a linha Flourish Seachem.
"overall is good but the plants are too bulky and need some trimming."
- Wai Sun Chow
"A wonderfull peacefull work"
- Oliver Knott
"A clean and neat layout, only the path seem not necessary in this layout"
- Gary Wu