Morro do Anhangava

Entry name Morro do Anhangava


Aquarist: Cleber Sá dos Santos

City (State): Curitiba (PR)

Team: Natural Art

Position: 16

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros

Edition: CBAP 2019


Morro do Anhangava
Aquarium information

Volume: 64.48 liters

Dimensions: 52 x 40 x 31 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 4 meses months

Filtering: classic 250 eheim

Lightning: 3 luminárias kr90 FW - ecolamps

Substrate: Sistema de substrato rio freio.



Maintenance: Podas semanais ou a cada 10 dias, dependendo da planta. Fertilização liquida semanal na metodologia "Estimativ Index". Limpeza de filtro uma vez por mês.

Entry's grades

"This layout idea can be impproved to very high level if creator use hardscape with better details"

- Tran Hoang Long

"I get a very natural impression,but the photo is a bit too dark. Therefore,the original beautiful colors of plants cannot be confirmed. It would have been better to shoot with a more appropriate exposure."

- Takayuki Fukada