Aquarist: thiago belini
City (State): sao paulo (SP)
Position: 10
Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edition: CBAP 2019
Aquarist: thiago belini
City (State): sao paulo (SP)
Position: 10
Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edition: CBAP 2019
Volume: 64.8 liters
Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 36 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 7 MESES months
Filtering: 2x Eheim Ecco 2234 ADA Bio Rio
Lightning: Ada AquaSky G 602
Substrate: Ada System
Maintenance: Fertilização ADA, TPA semanal, CO2 (3 bolhas por segundo)
"Rare to see a small setup with a great balance overall."
- Andrew Michael Senske
"All plants are beautiful and healthy. The fishes fit well with this layout and have a good feeling. If you can make such a beautiful work,I would like you to try a more bigger tank."
- Takayuki Fukada
"It is a good example to keep the open space. A triangle shape with half of open space balance the layout."
- Gary Wu