
Aquarist: Vyacheslav Kryshtopa
Position: 16
Country: Rússia
Category: The Best Foreign Aquarium
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: Vyacheslav Kryshtopa
Position: 16
Country: Rússia
Category: The Best Foreign Aquarium
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 324 liters
Dimensions: 120 x 60 x 45 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 3.5 months months
Filtering: Fluval 405
Lightning: T5 6×54W
Substrate: Aqua Soil
Maintenance: Once a week
"this layout look very natural, perfect!"
- Wai Sun Chow
"Very nice wild layout with a great moss grow"
- Oliver Knott
"It is lack of focus for this layout, moss dominate most of the area."
- Gary Wu