Aquarist: Rodrigo de Carvalho
City (State): Assis (SP)
Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team
Position: 7
Category: Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: Rodrigo de Carvalho
City (State): Assis (SP)
Team: ALT - Aquabase Layout Team
Position: 7
Category: Planted Tank
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 240 liters
Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 40 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 6 meses months
Filtering: 4 EHEIM - 2215
Lightning: 6 JBL 54 w - 2 solar ultra tropic /2 solar ultra natur /2 solar ultra colar
Substrate: Sistem ADA substrate -Aqua Soil - Amazonia
Maintenance: A manutenção foi feita com 3 TPA semanal acompanhada de Fertilização líquida seachem .
"this is a good layout but I don't like the treatment of sand on the left hand side, I would like to flatten as right hand side."
- Wai Sun Chow
"This is a typical rock layout, but its finished by very well techniques by suitable hardscape. However, I wish creator made some more details in the leftside of foreground to made this layout more balance"
- Tran Hoang Long
"I like the wave ground at the left side of the tank. I is different."
- Oliver Knott
"Overall a well balance layout, only the wavy foreground offset the focus"
- Gary Wu
"Se trata de un acuario visualmente muy atractivo, por su simplicidad de líneas y su elegancia. Fundamentalmente me agrada el lado derecho con su reflejo en el cristal. El empleo de arena cosmética en la región anterior dio un toque original gracias a la curva que forma. La región izquierda es excesivamente fuerte en cuanto a presencia de piedra, y su reflejo no ha sido tenido en cuenta. Suavizando esta región, el resultado final hubiese sido muy satisfactorio. Excelente trabajo."
- Juan Puchades Rufino