Paradise of the Espei’s birth

Entry name Paradise of the Espei’s birth


Aquarist: Thiago Helly

City (State): Campinas (SP)

Position: 16

Category: Categoria Aquário Plantado acima de 65 litros até 200 litros

Edition: CBAP 2022


Paradise of the Espei’s birth
Paradise of the Espei’s birth
Paradise of the Espei’s birth
Aquarium information

Volume: 200 liters

Dimensions: 100 x 50 x 40 cm (L x W x H)

Building time: 6 meses months

Filtering: JBL 1501

Lightning: Chihiros WRGB II

Substrate: Prodibio



Maintenance: 1x Semana Diaria - Seachem

Entry's grades

"The stones and plants combine a warm tone layout and this make a very harmony feel!"

- Dave Chow