Aquarist: mario perez marcos
Position: 7
Country: Espanha
Category: The Best Foreign Aquarium
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Aquarist: mario perez marcos
Position: 7
Country: Espanha
Category: The Best Foreign Aquarium
Edition: Private: CBAP 2016
Volume: 240 liters
Dimensions: 120 x 40 x 50 cm (L x W x H)
Building time: 5 month months
Filtering: Eheim 2217/ Fluval 406
Lightning: Odyssea T5 4x54
Substrate: ADA amazonia
Maintenance: change water two times a week about 50% each one. fertilization with the water change NPK with salts and Fluorish, Iron, Envy (Seachem). Co2/ 3b-seg with atomizer
"the background plant not look so natural."
- Wai Sun Chow
"The root work is amazing !"
- Oliver Knott
"The hardscape arrangement is good, but it is not harmonize with the plant yet, the red plant at the background does not improve the visual."
- Gary Wu
"Muy destacado montaje que recrea un factible entorno sumergido. Destaca por el empleo repetido de maderas en posición descendente y en correcta disminución del tamaño a medida que se progresa hacia el fondo. Resulta interesante la región con arena cosmética y el zig-zag empleado, sin embargo la estructura carece de suficientes elementos distintos que disminuyan una ligera sensación de monotonía."
- Juan Puchades Rufino