Acuarista: Salvador Macias Torres
País: Espanha
Categoría: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2023
Edición: CBAP 2023
Acuarista: Salvador Macias Torres
País: Espanha
Categoría: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2023
Edición: CBAP 2023
Volumen: 350 litros
Dimensiones: 140 x 50 x 50 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)
Tiempo de la composición: 8 meses
Tipo de Filtración: Fluval FX6
Iluminación: DIY led 300w
Sustrato: Tropica
Mantenimiento: 40% weekly water change. N,P,K, Envy, Propel and Advance. Co2 28/30 ppm.
"Good balance of open space, hardscape and plant. This setup composed like a nature habitat, the staggered driftwood reserved a lot of space that creature could hide, freely shuttle and rest there."
- Gary Wu
"Layout have very interesting hardscape structure, with both well balance as well as 3D effects If planting work have few weeks more to take care to detail and have better fauna selection, layout will be an amazing aquarium"
- long tran