
Nombre del acuario: Afterlife


Acuarista: Andy Andrade

Ciudad (Estado): Porecatu (PR)

Equipo: Natural Art

Puesto: 4

Categoría: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros

Edición: CBAP 2019


Información del Acuario

Volumen: 60 litros

Dimensiones: 60 x 40 x 25 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)

Tiempo de la composición: 4 meses

Tipo de Filtración: EHEIM classic 250

Iluminación: Chihiros LED E602 acrylic

Sustrato: substrato fértil Mbreda amazônia, areia cosmética La plata sand ADA.



Mantenimiento: podas e TPA semanalmente, fertilização diária com trio Mbreda (NPK, MICRO, FERRO)

Nota del acuario:

"This high quality layout created by good hardcape works and perfect planting care in every details. Its may better if plants density in both background corners is better"

- Tran Hoang Long

"The rock arrangement is great and planting is no problem. However I can't feel the height because most of the rocks are lying down,so main locks on both sides need to be more upright."

- Takayuki Fukada

"A clean and neat layout, I spend sometime want to comment but cannot find something to critic, well done"

- Gary Wu