Acuarista: Rodrigo de Vasconcelos
Ciudad (Estado): Teresópolis (RJ)
Equipo: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo
Puesto: 1
Categoría: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edición: CBAP 2021
Acuarista: Rodrigo de Vasconcelos
Ciudad (Estado): Teresópolis (RJ)
Equipo: GCAqua - Grupo Carioca de Aquapaisagismo
Puesto: 1
Categoría: Categoria Aquário Plantado até 65 litros
Edición: CBAP 2021
Volumen: 52.5 litros
Dimensiones: 60 x 35 x 25 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)
Tiempo de la composición: 9 meses
Tipo de Filtración: Canister jbl
Iluminación: Led Coral Home
Sustrato: Ocean tech
Mantenimiento: 2x na semana tpa
"This 'full-green' layout attracted viewers by details and color tone in very delicacy way I wish the foreground in the right side is the same level with left side, to avoid a 'black angle' for perfect final picture to take a better ranking in contest"
- long tran
The arrangement of well-shaped rocks is really amazing! And the impression of the plants is unified so it is a very refreshing and beautiful layout. However, it is not so effective that the white sand on the right side is raised high, so a flat one is better for balance. I also hope more fish to swim and create a sense of life.
"- Takayuki Fukada
"The layout are good, plants are in good condition but if the right hand side of the foreground are flatten and align with left hand side then will be better."
- Dave Chow