
Nombre del acuario: Guaviare


Acuarista: Felipe de Neri Gómez Rivas

País: Espanha

Categoría: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2021

Edición: CBAP 2021


Información del Acuario

Volumen: 73.5 litros

Dimensiones: 60 x 35 x 35 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)

Tiempo de la composición: 10 meses

Tipo de Filtración: OASE BioMaster Thermo 250

Iluminación: ONF Flat One + Plus Pendant 60 BW + ADA Light Screen 60

Sustrato: AquaRIO Neo Plants Soil, ADA LaPlata SAND, ADA AquaGRAVEL



Mantenimiento: Water change of approx 50% once a week. Daily fertilising with AquaVitro Seachem CO2 8h 2 bubbles per second.

Nota del acuario:


The layout has a refreshing impression with the plants in very good condition. And what I find very appealing about this tank is that the fish fit the layout very well and look so natural. In many other works, I see a layout where fish are not so important, but this work is very favorable because it feels the importance of fish.


- Takayuki Fukada