Acuarista: Luís Cardoso
Puesto: 6
País: Portugal
Categoría: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2020
Edición: CBAP 2020
Acuarista: Luís Cardoso
Puesto: 6
País: Portugal
Categoría: Melhor Aquário Estrangeiro 2020
Edición: CBAP 2020
Volumen: 324 litros
Dimensiones: 120 x 60 x 45 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)
Tiempo de la composición: 8 meses meses
Tipo de Filtración: Eheim 1200 XLT
Iluminación: LifeAqua Master Pro x2
Sustrato: Neo Soil
Mantenimiento: Trocas de agua 2x semana Fertilização Masterline
"Good job on the reflection on the left side. A little too much in the green spectrum of the tonal contrast. Composition is done well in this layout, I feel the top reflection could've been a lot stronger and would help with the overall drama of the layout."
- Andrew Michael Senske
"A formal V shape layout, plant grown healthy. The interval between plant and branches seems too even, try to consider perspective relation more."
- Gary Wu