The River Between Mountains

Nombre del acuario: The River Between Mountains


Acuarista: Andy Andrade

Ciudad (Estado): Porecatu (PR)

Equipo: Natural Art

Puesto: 12

Categoría: Acuario Nano-Plantado

Edición: Private: CBAP 2016


The River Between Mountains
The River Between Mountains
Información del Acuario

Volumen: 45 litros

Dimensiones: 50 x 30 x 30 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)

Tiempo de la composición: 2 meses

Tipo de Filtración: filtro hang-on 800 l/h RS

Iluminación: Eco-lamps KR90FW 30W

Sustrato: Mbreda Amazônia e Mbreda whitesand



Mantenimiento: TPA diariamente de 20%, podas semanalmente. fertilização liquida com Mbreda NPK, Micro e ferro.

Nota del acuario:

"overall are very good, perfect!"

- Wai Sun Chow

"I can feel how the small tiny fish flying in the valley"

- Oliver Knott

"The hardscape arrangement is OK, however the plant arrangement need some more exercise, some of leaf shape is not match with other"

- Gary Wu