Acuarista: Luís Cardoso
Puesto: 9
País: Portugal
Categoría: Mejor Acuario Extranjero 2017
Edición: CBAP 2017
Acuarista: Luís Cardoso
Puesto: 9
País: Portugal
Categoría: Mejor Acuario Extranjero 2017
Edición: CBAP 2017
Volumen: 300 litros
Dimensiones: 120 x 50 x 50 cm (Largo x Ancho x Alto)
Tiempo de la composición: 8 meses
Tipo de Filtración: Eheim 1200XLT
Iluminación: 4 x 30W MasWas Led Freshwater
Sustrato: Aquasoil Amazonia
Mantenimiento: ADA DIY Fertilization
"Very color full and clear layout. Like it very much"
- Oliver Knott
"Although it is a very colorful impression, plants are present in all places, and it receives a noisy impression. Please partially remove plants and show me more rocks and you should also remove the plants present in the white sand in the foreground. By doing so, the impression of the layout becomes clearer."
- Takayuki Fukada
"Messy and nature only with little different, how to let plant grow naturally but not messy are not easy to balance."
- Gary Wu
"Good colour combination but I feel a little bit messy."
- Wai Sun Chow